It’s autumn in Minnesota – time for beautiful weather, brightly colored trees, and pumpkin spice everything. Folks are able to enjoy their valuable weekends at apple orchards or football games instead of spending their time on lawn care. Before you put away the mower for the season, B&B Hoffman Sod is here with tips to keep your yard in tip-top shape over the winter.
Don’t Forget the Tuna Can! (Yes, you read that right!)
Before you put away the hose or blow out your sprinkler system, remember that despite cooler temperatures and the many rainy days Minnesota had this past summer, your lawn still needs water. A healthy lawn needs approximately an inch of water per week, especially if it is less than three years old. It is best to water very deeply once a week—or twice a week if we are enjoying unseasonably hot weather. New sod needs watering everyday with the drought we are currently experiencing.
One way to make sure your lawn is getting enough moisture is to set out empty tuna cans. To ensure you are watering the right amount, place empty tuna cans in the areas where you are sprinkling. When there is about an inch of water in the can, you’ll know your lawn has gotten enough moisture to get into the roots and stay healthy.
Feed Your Lawn With Fertilizer
Who doesn’t like a bedtime snack? Mid-October is a great time to start putting winterizing fertilizer down. Winterizer gives your yard a boost of nitrogen for your grass to store through the winter while it’s sleeping under the snow. This nitrogen will help your yard be one of the first on the block to turn green once spring arrives. Be sure to water it in since we are not scheduled to get any rain for the next few weeks.
B&B Hoffman Sod has the fertilizer your lawn needs for each season available for purchase at our farm. Call us at 763-434-6572 to reserve your bags in time to feed your lawn for the winter.
For more information on how to care for your new sod or general yard care, explore the B&B Hoffman Sod website! We have a ton of tips for watering, lawn care, installation, and more!